Effective marketing is about getting attention and creating an immediate emotional connection. A good example is the poster for the movie, "The Devil Wears Prada." The vividness of the red stiletto against the black and white background was an attention getter and established the right emotion to make audiences want to see the movie.
Marketing is the culmination of good research into positioning and segmentation, strategic planning, and creativity in the tactical implementation of the strategic plan while staying within the parameters of the budget and deadline. This should result in qualified sales leads that should be measured against the marketing investment. The right metrics will help finetune the process and shorten the sales cycle.
Some of the skills to be an effective marketer can be learned, and some are inherent. My success is due to the right combination of learned and inherent analytical skills and creativity. Whether charting my own course or stepping into the shoes of a predecessor, I have demonstrated the ability to exceed expectations.
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